Title track ‘Blind My Eyes’ opens the EP starting slow, setting the scene of someone in difficulty before crashing in with the bold chorus of “I hate you, you hate me”, words we’ve all said not just to other people in times of anguish or difficulty, but to ourselves. Especially when we are feeling self-hatred, anxiety, depression of fighting our inner demons.
‘Scarred’ shows the bands fire and passion for music. A song about control and manipulation be it at home, at work or through a higher authority, that often leads to isolation and in turn pain and sadness.
‘The Plight’ was specifically written about homelessness
and the problems that people in that terrible situation suffer and face - poverty; hunger; physical and mental health and the stigma society places upon it; isolation and even abuse.
‘666’ is about the demonisation of those in society who keep the wheels turning, those classed as unskilled and too often undervalued or discriminated against by the higher echelons of the social ladder.
‘The End is Nigh’ is about personal growth. Everyone makes mistakes and you can come back from them better and stronger for it. Just don’t let things defeat you. It may feel like the end of the world… but the end of the world has already happened multiple times and will again (on a personal level), so don’t let it stop you. ‘The End is Nigh’ is a collaboration with instrumentalist Fractured Planet.